The Fitness Gymnast Goals!

Hi Everyone! 

This year, I will be putting extreme efforts into my Quest in order to complete the goal I have set for this school year. As you may have already read, I will be using a calendar to plan out my goals and accomplish weekly challenges. For example, I will be doing challenges like balancing on handstands for 30 seconds a day for a whole week. Then I will start doing stretches for splits another week and I will be blogging about my progress throughout the year.

My passion for dancing and gymnastics started long ago when my mother dragged me down the royal hall of ballet dance academy. I would shout and scream because I never wanted to start something new. As years passed by, I started noticing that maybe… just maybe… that I love to dance. In elementary school, I would do folkloric dance from my home country, later on I started doing jazz. Today, I love what I do which is Irish Dance, ballet and zumba.

One thing I should be aware of however, are injuries in my neck, back, ankles and so on. If I am not careful or do a faux movement, I could easily injure a part of my body which could stop me from doing what I love.

By the end of the year, I hope to show my progress to my peers, family, friends and teachers. The reason why I chose gymnastics rather than anything else is because I didn’t want to leave my devotions and never come back to them. Once I mastered all of the skills I want to learn, I will never forget how to do them. Also, I want to accomplish something that will make me feel good at the end.

Just a reminder: being a gymnast is having the strength to hold on, and the courage to let go.


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